Past Events

Date Event
05/21 MREC^3 2021
Kevin, Pablo, and Ed presented our Pokemon GO! research at this conference for student researchers at community colleges.
05/25 Creating a Better Summer Experience:
A DEI Workshop for REU Directors and Faculty Mentors
This workshop provided the tools to assist with mentoring underrepresented and minoritized students in mahtematics, specifically in immersive summer research experiences.
05/17 Stan State Mathematics End of Year Celebration
We honored all of our graduates at this virtual gathering!
05/11 College of Science Research Celebration
Jesselynn and other former students of mine gave wonderful lightning talks at this virtual celebration.
04/28 Guest Lecture at Soka University of America
I was invited by one of my colleagues, Dr. Kat Perry, to speak to her Finite Mathemaitcs students about one of my former research projects in gerrymandering.
04/24 PUMP Undergraduate Research Group Syposium
Aaron and Sherly gave a great talk at this symposium about our analysis of Stan State student success in mathematics major courses.
04/19-04/20 HHMI Inclusive Excellence 3 Learning Community Kickoff Meeting
Our grant proposal team worked with academics and administration across the nation to address DEI challenges in STEM.
04/15 Humboldt State University Mathematics Department Colloquium
This colloquium was such a blast! The students were great and I was grateful for the opportunity to meet new colleagues in the CSU!
04/14 Women in STEM New Student Welcome
Dr. Sarah Bissonnette and I had the pleasure of welcoming our Fall 2021 class of women STEM majors to Stan State.
04/10 Bay Area Discrete (BAD) Math Day
It was great to co-organize this conference with a great team of graduate students and postdocs from UC Berkeley and Stanford.
03/24 Stan State Student Research Competition
I was honored to be a juror for this competition! Read about my comments on the competition in the article linked.
03/03 San Jose State Mathematics Department Colloquium
This was a fun colloquium, catching up with friends I met during my job search process!
02/11 NSF Proposal Submitted!
I submitted my first NSF proposal as a PI with a group of fantastic co-PIs. Shoutout to Dr.'s Roummel Marcia, Erica Rutter, Mario Banuelos, and Luca Brillante for helping make this happen.
01/07 Joint Mathematics Meetings
AMS Special Session: If You Build It They Will Come
Presentations by Scholars in the National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences
01/07 Joint Mathematics Meetings
AMS Special Session: If You Build It They Will Come
Presentations by Scholars in the National Alliance for Doctoral Studies in the Mathematical Sciences
12/10 Women in Combinatorics Virtual Seminar
I gave a virtual research talk for WinCom! The Women in Combinatorics network, WinCom, is intended as a platform for any Combinatorialist who identifies as a woman and would like to connect with other women for various professional reasons and concerns. A database spreadsheet is available for the public to view as a place to search for women collaborators, keynotes, and mentors to encourage the diversification of our research networks.
11/20-11/23/ paraDIGMS Fall Conference
It was a pleasure to speak about my experiences mentoring undergraduate mathematics majors at Stanislaus State with graduate directors across the nation.
11/21 Bay Area Discrete (BAD) Math Day
I am one of the co-organizers for the BAD Math Day conference. BAD Math Days are one-day meetings aimed at facilitating communication between researchers and graduate students of discrete mathematics around the San Francisco Bay Area. These days happen twice a year and strive to create an informal atmosphere to talk about discrete mathematics. The term discrete mathematics is chosen to include at least the following topics: Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry, Graph Theory, Coding and Design Theory, Combinatorial Aspects of Computational Algebra and Geometry, Combinatorial Optimization, Probabilistic Combinatorics, Combinatorial Aspects of Statistics, and Combinatorics in Mathematical Physics.
11/13 2020 CRA-WP Career Mentoring Workshop
This workshop is focused on Early-Career professionals and provides insight into how to build a great research program, advise students and get funding, how to be an effective and inspiring teacher, and how to set yourself up for promotion andd success.
11/13 2020 CRA-WP Career Mentoring Workshop
This workshop is focused on Early-Career professionals and provides insight into how to build a great research program, advise students and get funding, how to be an effective and inspiring teacher, and how to set yourself up for promotion andd success.
11/13 Cal State East Bay Mathematics Department Colloquium
At this colloquium, I'll be giving a talk about my experience to and through graduate school in mathematics. I will also touch on some of the fun mathematics research I did over the summer in VFP.
11/09-11/10 2020 MPS Workshop for New Investigators
The main goals of the workshop is two-fold: (1) to provide prospective Principal Investigators who have just received their first award or who are considering applying for funding from the MPS programs with valuable information and advice on the policies, procedures, and opportunities available at NSF, (2) to train a pool of future reviewers and encourage volunteering to review as a way to learn about NSF process. In addition to informational presentations on various topics relevant to the future PI’s, all participants will go through full mock panel review processes in breakout sessions.
11/06 Pacific Math Alliance Webinar
Speaker: Dr. Roummel Marcia, UC Merced
Title: Machine Learning: A Gentle Introduction to Data Science
10/19-10/25 SACNAS National Conference
Darcy and Juan presented posters at the 2020 SACNAS National Conference. The largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the country, the SACNAS conference serves to equip, empower, and energize participants for their academic and professional paths in STEM.
10/16 Pacific Math Alliance Webinar
Title: Graduate Students Demystifying Graduate School
10/2 Pacific Math Alliance Webinar
Title: Demystifying the Graduate School Application Process
09/23 Sonoma State Mathematics Department Colloquium
At this colloquium, I talked about my journey to and through graduate school in mathematics. I will also touch on some of the fun mathematics research I did over the summer in VFP.
09/18 Pacific Math Alliance Webinar
Title: Research Opportunites for Undergraduates in the Mathematical Sciences
09/04 Pacific Math Alliance Webinar
Title: Welcome to the Pacific Math Alliance
June-August Visiting Faculty Program
During Summer 2020, I participated in the Visitng Faculty Program (virtually) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In that program, I worked with two of my students, Darcy and Juan, and LBNL scientist Talita Perciano on an image segmentation research project.
Updated on May 12, 2021.